Choosing a professional to help facilitate positive change and growth in your relationship is an important decision. Many psychotherapists have experience working with couples, but there are few who have gone through years of graduate training in order to earn a PhD in marriage and family counseling. This specialized field allows us help with basic communication skills and the type of psychoeducation valuable to many couples. However, the advanced degree and training provides us with the opportunity to see and understand the complexities in relationships, and the tools to help couples change the patterns in their relationships that prevent them from enjoying the full potential for pleasure and deep, meaningful connection.
Relationship Counseling is most often appropriate when a couple is facing challenges that seem like they have or potentially can damage the relationship. This could include individual circumstances that have an effect on the relationship, or it may also be about how the couple is able to function or get along. In relationship counseling we explore the history of the relationship, the context in which the relationship exists, each individual's contribution to the circumstances and and work together to find a way to shift the relationship so it's satisfying to both members. Sometimes we meet with the couple together, and other times, individual sessions are a better choice.
Relational Coaching is more educational in nature. It's definitely different from what you can get from a typical self help book. Although the history of the relationship may come up, the purpose of relationship coaching is to help the couple develop the skills they can use as the relationship progresses. It makes the most sense for couples considering marriage or long-term commitment (i.e. premarital counseling), or when both have expressed a desire to learn more about how to have a more successful relationship.
For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call 561-558-2875 . . . or fill in the form below